I Feel Weird

April 29, 2008

I’m done.  Done with all of my undergraduate homework, and in less than two hours I’ll be done with all of my undergraduate.  I’m feeling very weird right now.  I sort of feel like puking.

I’ll be going to get Grand Theft Auto IV after my final final exam, hopefully that’ll cheer me up.  Or at least take my mind off of the weirdness.

Some more Strangers

April 27, 2008

For those of you who didn’t feel like watching the trailer, this picture captures all of the awesome creepiness.

The Strangers

April 27, 2008

I want to see this movie, The Strangers, so bad that I would give anything to see it right now. It definitely looks like it will creep my shit out. Something about creepy people walking slowly in creepy masks just gets to me. Watch the trailer! DO IT!


Also, I saw Baby Mama yesterday and it was awesome. Go watch it.

Stop & Cry

April 26, 2008

Tonight I went to the "Croc’s Next Step Tour" which features Fabolous and One Republic. Unfortunately for me, the concert was cancelled after Fabolous because the lead singer hurt himself somehow and was being rushed to Detroit for "emergency surgery." So you heard it here first, the lead singer of One Republic is hurt in some way and is being fixed up in Detroit somewhere. Ooh, I’m like Perez.

Also, when they announced the whole One Republic thing this girl started bawling her eyes out and sort of curled up on the floor of the stadium.  It was weird (and pathetic) as shit.  One of her friends ended up carrying her out.  So strange.

Oh, and tonight’s Battlestar episode was weird as hell.  I’m not sure if it was too deep for me to understand or something, but it was strange.

The End

Childhood Memories #1: Saf-T-Pops

April 24, 2008

Saf-T-Pops (pronounced Safety Pops) are the best goddamn suckers in the whole frickin’ world.  If I could only have one type of candy for the rest of my life, it’d be Saf-T-Pops.  There’s something about their awesome papery-looped handle portion that gives me endless joy.  If anyone needs b-day present ideas, get me a bag of Saf-T-Pops, that’d be awesome.  Thanks.

Also, the company that makes Saf-T-Pops, Spangler, makes the Circus Peanuts candies which I can no longer eat without throwing up.  Why?  I ate too many as a kid, sad.


April 23, 2008

YAY, Hillary won Pennsylvania. Ben is so excited!

Earth Day ’08

April 22, 2008

Pop Off!

April 21, 2008

Once again Ben is on the slow train in terms of current pop culture fun and hilarity, this time in the form of Tanisha Thomas and all of her craziness. This girl is hilarious, a bit much sometimes, and definitely not someone I would want to meet in an alley on a bad day (she could totally kick my ass).

And for those who don’t know, Tanisha is best known for her pot and pan banging opus that was featured on The Soup as well as her anger over the death of "clayboy."

P to the Rocrastination

April 21, 2008

I just learned that all of the papers I’ve been working on have been pushed back until finals.  I smell Procrastination!  I must Kill It Dead!  DIE, PROCRASTINATION, DIE!

Another Quick Note

April 20, 2008

Right now I’m taking a quick break from typing my term paper for Death & Dying so I figured I’d type a quick entry to fill everyone in on how Avenue Q was.

In short, it was awesome!  The whole thing was set up like a Sesame Street episode, complete with animated show-opener and little learning segments (like The Electric Company).  My two favorite parts of the show would have to be the GIANT Kate monster puppet (it seriously took up the whole stage) and the Bad Idea Bears.  There’s just something about cute little green and blue bears that tell you to do irresponsible things in high squeaky voices that is hilarious ("You should just hang yourself, we’ll leave the rope riiiiiight here").

Okay, back to homeworks.