So Worth It

Having just seen The Dark Knight I can say with 100% conviction that it is totally worth the money to see it in theatres.  I wouldn’t even be averse to paying the money to see it again in theatres.  And when it comes out on DVD I’ll totally be buying that bitch.

Heath Ledger definitely stole the show as the Joker.  Every scene he was in was awesome.  One of my favorite scenes involving the Joker would have to be when he addresses the mob bosses (his disappearing pencil trick is both hilarious and horrifying).

Aaron Eckhart does a nice job of portraying Harvey Dent and Maggie Gyllenhaal fit nicely into the shoes that Katie Holmes left behind.

In terms of a rating I give The Dark Knight 5 out of 5 stars.  Prior to seeing it I would’ve given Batman Begins 5 out of 5, but after tonight it’s getting knocked down to 4.  The Dark Knight definitely blows its predecessor out of the water.  One of the rare exceptions to the rule when it comes to sequels.

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